If you haven’t met Aidee (eye-day) on Instagram or Spanish Marketing TikTok, know this: she is a firecracker who moved from Mexico, opened her own social media agency and is now planning to open a social media school. She also hosts a podcast about entrepreneurship; Emprende con Aidee. Oh, and she loves tacos, traveling (now looking at pictures of places), and skating (mostly falling) with her boyfriend in NYC where they reside.
Since Aidee started her business, one thing has stayed the same—her commitment to seamless, stellar client experience. If you pulled up a word cloud of the adjectives Aidee’s clients have used to describe her, you’d probably see the words ``organized” and “efficient” out in front. But here’s a secret: it’s because she uses Honey Book as the CRM for her own business. Sometimes clients come to her, after they create a strategy on their own, and all you need is creating branded processes to continue to grow your brand.. And sometimes, you need the whole deal, from strategy to community management and that's what her agency comes in hand.
If you had the chance to glimpse Aidee’s own personal content calendar, you’d know that when it comes to Social Media Management, she has deep expertise, and it's based on intention.. In fact, most of the time you’ll find her voice messaging on Instagram DM’s and answering her TikTok comments, because for her, it's never about how many followers you have but how much people you can actually help.
Over the years, her desire to share her knowledge in a more accessible way has grown—and now, she can. That’s why she created The Social Media Academy for entrepreneurs and those who want to become Social Media Managers (SMM) and anyone else who knows that it’s time to figure Social Media out to grow their business, but doesn’t want to continue scrolling every forum, Facebook group, or show up in someone else’s Dm’s to piecemeal.
If you want to stop playing catchup and you are ready to grow your revenue, Aidee is your person - And she will be delighted to be your zero-fluff guide to get you there.
Find + Work With Aidee:
Website: www.bemassocial.com
TikTok: @aideechavezfrescas
Instagram: @Aideechavezfrescas + @emprendeconaidee