Episode 105: The Power of Reclaiming Your Voice with Emily Nachazel, Intuitive Business Coach


Episode 105: The Power of Reclaiming Your Voice with Emily Nachazel, Intuitive Business Coach

“We're not meant to separate our spirits from our work, they are meant to be together.” — Emily Nachazel

This episode is an invitation for you to unpack your resistance, unblock your voice, and prioritize what you really want to create rather than focusing on what you “should” create. I’m joined by repeat guest Emily Nachazel, intuitive business coach for visionary soul-led women.

Emily uses somatics and energetic work to help people shake out resistance. In this conversation, she takes us behind the scenes of what it’s like to move through her own creative blocks and reconnect with her voice.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform while you cook, clean, or create.

What’s in This Episode:

Emily Nachazel defines creativity as, “life force that is flowing through.” She surrenders and stays present to the energy that feels bigger than her so that it can move through her.

Emily shares about her current relationship with creativity while being pregnant and celebrates pregnancy as one the most creative portals she has ever been through.

Emily compares her daily morning practice to brushing your teeth, a non-negotiable part of the day that has become a foundation piece of showing up online in her business for the past 10 years.

Emily gives you permission to shift your perspective and view your business as an art practice rather than spreadsheets, data, and invoices.

Topics Covered:

Defining your creativity as life force energy

Embracing the self-discovery and evolution of entrepreneurship

What’s possible for you when you allow your spirit to lead you in your work

Celebrating pregnancy and birth as potent creative portals

Reframing your creative blocks as pathways to more aligned realities

Unblocking the voice and self-expression through singing and ancestral healing

What has been moving through you lately? Leave a comment below or tag us on IG @chefcarlacontreras & @emilynachazel to share with us.

xo Carla

PS: My mission is for you is to use your voice, share your work, and step into your fullest expression of who you already are through your content. Join the next Substack Workshop here

Disclaimer: Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner or other healthcare provider for an individual consultation before making any significant changes to your health, lifestyle, or to answer questions about specific medical conditions. This podcast is for entertainment and information purposes only.


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About Emily Nachzel

Emily Nachazel is an intuitive guide and business mentor for visionary women. She believes the change we wish to see in the world doesn’t exist outside of ourselves, our families and our businesses. Her mission is to help more women step into their purpose and power and to share their unique medicine with the world in a bigger way. She works with women across the globe and across industries to create lives and businesses that are in full alignment with their values and their vision for the world.


Website: https://www.emilynachazel.com/

Work Together: https://bio.site/emilynachazel

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilynachazel/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emilymnachazel

Full Transcript:

Carla (00:01):
Welcome to Nourishing Creativity. The cycle of the last few years has left you and me feeling mentally, physically, emotionally, and creatively drained, nourish your very full life through interviews with creatives and entrepreneurs about how they create and move through their creative blocks. If you don't know me, I'm Chef Carla Contreras, a food stylist and content strategist. You can find me, chef Carla Contreras, across all social media platforms and more information in today's show notes, episode 1 0 5. This is a special one with my friend and repeat guests, Emily Hassel. It's especially alive for me this week because I spoke at Alt Summit about raising your voice through podcasting. I'm curious, how are you raising your voice? Leave a comment on Substack or on Instagram to continue the conversation. Emily, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here again, and you were on Show up fully, which was my last podcast, and I am so excited to interview you here on Nourishing Creativity. Can you share with us who you are and how you serve your community?

Emily (01:31):
Yeah, I'm stoked to be here. That conversation feels like lifetimes ago and iterations of business ago, although there are absolutely threads I know for both of us that carry through. Hello everyone. My name is Emily Hazel and I am a business coach for visionary Soul led women, and while business coach is my title, the work that I do is more or mostly in the energetic, somatic emotional realm, identity realm, another important realm that we can play in from day one of being an entrepreneur, which was nearly 10 years ago, I've said that entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey, and so my work is in guiding clients through that and helping them bring their magic and their medicine to the world in a bigger way and a way that feels aligned for them and for their families and for their life right now.

Carla (02:32):
It's so beautiful to witness your evolution. I feel like we've known each other those 10 years.

Emily (02:42):
We truly have. I think that the health and wellness and kind of the beginning influencer food wellness blog, that's where we connected.

It's so beautiful. Again, I can see the threads going back for you and what's still and what's new. And same thing for myself, and I believe that's the gift of entrepreneurship is that we get to discover ourselves in the process and we get to create these businesses, these brands, these offerings that really speak to who we are and what's alive for us and what we're learning, what we're mastering in the moment. And that's beautiful. Talk about creativity. This doesn't feel like a new shift, but it feels like I'm getting a new level of it is seeing my business as art. We're seeing myself more as an artist versus I am a business owner and this is the hat that I put on and I do spreadsheets and I know how to do marketing, but instead to see myself as an artist, as a creator, as a channel, and letting the focus be on the beauty that I'm creating, the magic that I'm creating, the medicine that I'm creating, these offerings that I'm creating and trusting this can be challenging, but trusting that the money or the business side of things will fall into place when that is the focus.

Carla (04:13):
I am so excited to dive into creativity and what that means to you. But first, let's talk about your last meal because I'm a trained chef and I'm always curious.

Emily (04:24):
Yeah. My last meal was second breakfast. We do multiple breakfast in this house. I am also pregnant since I was pregnant the first time and into breastfeeding, and I don't think it ever stopped. There's multiple breakfasts. Shout out to my multiple breakfast ladies and people. My last meal was eggs and toast and bacon and was shared with my two and a half year old son, which was beautiful.

Carla (04:54):
I love sharing food with kids.

Emily (04:56):

Carla (04:57):
How do you define creativity?

Emily (05:00):
When you asked me this question before we started recording, what I heard was life force flowing through, which feels so true, right? I'm sure there's a million different ways that folks do define creativity, especially with this question that you ask on this podcast, but that feels like the simplest and truest definition. When I feel in my creative flow, it doesn't necessarily feel like it is something, yes, of course I am doing and I am creating and it's like coming through my mouth or coming through my pen or coming through my computer or something that I'm designing, but it feels like something bigger than me is allowing to come through and to channel and to download, and those are the moments that I love the most in the creative side or I would say the non-client facing side. Not that there's not creative work in client work, but in the writing, marketing, creative side of my business.

Carla (06:04):
And for someone that is new to the words channel or download, can you explain that?

Emily (06:11):
Yeah. I have a very strong connection with what I would say is my higher self and also with spirit. So something that is bigger than just me right here right now, ego body, although ego and body are absolutely a part of it, and when I say channel or download, it feels like something is coming from one of those sources, either my higher self or what I see as spirit. I mean, it can come from other places too, from ancestors, from loving guides, from clients, ancestors and loving guides. But when it feels like my main role is opening up and letting something flow through, that's what I mean when I say channel or download.

Carla (06:57):

What is your current relationship with creativity?

Emily (07:01):

My current relationship with creativity I would say is there's so many threads that we could pull on here. One, as I shared, I am currently pregnant, so that in and of itself is one of the most, if not the most creative portals that I have experienced in my lifetime. And that's not to say that it's always rainbows and butterflies and beautiful and things are flowing. There's a lot. I think this is probably an important point to bring forward. There's a lot that pregnancy, and I would also say running your own business, running a creative business brings up shadows and blocks and fears and doubts and insecurities. So there's this beautiful side that we get to see. I think especially as women, I want to back up too because there's a difference I would say, in creating and doing, and capitalism puts a lot of value and I think has intertwined the two on doing, on following through on a plan, on being able to take step-by-step strategy on being able to have a vision and execute on the vision.

Creativity absolutely is woven into that process or can be woven into the process, but for me, there's a different feeling from doing to creating, and I know a lot of folks who have said, and you've probably seen this in your work or in people that listen to your podcast, well, I'm not really that creative of a person, and I believe that pregnancy and birth can be such, again, it can bring up these challenges and all of this, and also it can remind us of our creative power of holy crap, I am creating a whole human, I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm not actively being like blood cells, multiply heart form, nervous system, all the pieces. I'm not actively doing that with my mind, with my conscious awareness, but it is happening within me and so many codes that come through in pregnancy for me around the creative process, around abundance. So I feel like I lost track of the question, but my relationship with creativity right now, it's interesting because I'm in this very creative portal physically and at the same time there's so much evolving and shifting in my business, which is actually what I saw with my first pregnancy as well. The portals were connected.

Carla (09:43):
How do you nourish your creativity? And this is where I have the parentheses, what is your creative process?

Emily (09:51):

I am devoted to a morning practice. I journal every single day, every single day. Sometimes my son is there, sometimes it is one page, sometimes it's lots of pages. I also sit and meditate and connect with, again, my higher self, my spirit, my understanding of spirit and guides. And I believe that that is such a foundational, it's a foundational piece of why I can be a creative person and continue to show up online and write blog posts and create programs and do all the things after 10 years. And it also feels like such a foundational piece for me as a human. So much of my work is in helping women create businesses and careers and scale in a way that feels true to them, that feels connected to them and their values to create in a bigger way or to receive in a bigger way that's still true to them, and that morning practice is foundational.

So I would say that's like daily non-negotiable, kind of brushing your teeth. The other thing that I'm very, I would say devoted to, again, these terms came up recently on a call, the difference between discipline and devotion. I think it's a really beautiful distinction to make because there's a lot of talk about discipline in business and health and fitness, and it has to be, it feels rigid and it feels cold, and devotion feels to me more warm and feminine and loving. But yeah, I'm devoted to creating space. This might not be every single day, but creating space in my daily life for me to fill up my cup that might be moving my, I mean, a lot of movement. I find movement so important for moving through anything emotional blocks, creative blocks, business blocks, they're all connected in the same, by the way. So movement that might be traditional self-care, like going and getting a massage or taking a really long shower or hot bath.

Anything that gets me out from behind my screen, out from behind that I need to create and in a place of receiving and being open to what wants to come through. And the third piece I think is really important too, is I commit myself to learning and to being in spaces where I am being stretched. I am being held accountable. I am being lifted up and poured into, so coaching spaces, mastermind spaces, women's circle spaces, being in those spaces so that my cup is filled with inspiration, with ideas, with nourishment, so that when I do go down, and by the way, I rarely am like, it's time to write an email now, let me write the email. It's like, oh, the email is coming through. Let's write the email. The program sales page is coming through. Great. And that's been a huge shift for someone like me who has a very traditional business school background to lean more into that. But I find when I do, the creations come through so much more easily, which I'm sure you can relate to, versus when I'm like, okay, I have a deadline. This is what I have to create.

Carla (13:26):
Yeah, there's a completely different process. I'm curious, you mentioned creative blocks, and that's actually the next question. And you mentioned that there's a connection.

Emily (13:40):

Yeah, so first I love to see blocks resistance, stuckness feeling like things aren't moving forward or that there's something that needs to be untied. It's not a problem to be solved. It's usually, yeah, you're nodding your head, I know we're on the same page about this. There's something there that needs to be seen. And oftentimes we can look at this in different ways. It can be expressed as a creative block. It can feel like, oh my gosh, I don't have the words. It could also be expressed as a business block of why aren't the clients coming in? It could be expressed as some other sort of block in relationships in family or what have you. And always, always, always, I've seen that these blocks, these points of resistance or stickiness or where things aren't moving, it's because there's either a different, there's just more information that we need.

There's something from our past that wants to be healed, that a part of ourself wants to heal. There's actually specifically when we come to creative blocks, think also what exists there is that spirit or our higher self is saying not that way. Don't do it that way. Try something else. When there's a wall in front of you, you don't keep running into the wall. You say, okay, is there a door somewhere? Is there another path that I can go around? But it's harder for us to see this when it's something in our mind or in our businesses versus a physical wall that's in front of us. So I don't want to say I'm a huge fan of blocks, but I am a huge fan of blocks because I believe that there are portals to expanded, more aligned more whole realities. And that's a place that I love to go into with clients of like, okay, cool.

Yes, we can talk your strategy for your launch. Happy to do that. Definitely want to do that with you. But first, what's the resistance that you're feeling to welcoming more people into this program? What's the resistance that you're feeling? To a lot of folks, I would say creatively, they feel either a block in their second chakra, in their womb space or in their throat space, which are very much connected. Yeah. Why whenever you go to post to Instagram, do you feel like you have nothing to say? Let's go into that and see what's there before we plaster any fancy strategy on, because if we don't, we're missing the whole point. Again, to my earlier note about entrepreneurship, creativity being a spiritual process. If we bypass, if we just try and bulldoze through those blocks, we're missing the whole gold that can come when we gold mine our shadows, when we look at the things that feel tender or sticky.

And again, it's taken time, but I see that as such a gift. I see that as such a gift. And I also see, I know we wanted to talk about this. I also see that that's the future. We're not meant to separate our spirits from our work. They are meant to be together. Your soul's work. Yes. I don't know if for everyone, it's like the vocation that they have at every moment. Sometimes we just need a vocation, and that's fine. But I would question if there's not growth and learning and soul's work in every single instance, or that's not really the word that I'm looking for every single stage of our lives.

Carla (17:21):
And I witnessed this earlier this year with you sharing your own voice. Can we talk about that?

Emily (17:29):

Carla (17:30):

Yeah, singing and what was it like? Because I'm a content strategist and I will be a hundred percent transparent that we are on the same wavelength. It's not about the content strategy, it's about the energy.

Emily (17:45):

Carla (17:45):

I'm curious about using your own voice because you shared with your newsletter about singing.

Emily (17:54):

Yeah, we can see this too. It's like our brains can see this too, because you have people out there pitching that their newsletter strategy is the thing that's going to make you millions or their somatic strategies, the thing that's going to make you millions or their emotional freedom technique is the thing. It's like there's all these different roads in, for me, I'm like, where did the voice thing even come up? I have always felt a strong connection to my voice. I did singing and theater when I was younger, and that was something that got pushed to the back when I went to college and started following the traditional route of business school, getting the good grades, getting the job at the big four public accounting firm, getting the promotions. It was like, this doesn't have, you have these desires and these things that truly bring you joy, but it's not the path to adult success.

So a lot of my later adult life has been in exploring, and I've actually made all business around that exploring what are the things that bring me joy? What are the things that I feel inherently good at that light me up, and how do I bring more of a focus on that? And I had, this is going to be a lot of different things coming in, but I'm sure it's fine. I had this realization earlier this year. I've also been on a deep ancestral healing ancestry journey really the last year. But beyond that, and I was noticing that I was feeling blocked in my expression, and maybe people couldn't really see that because I was still showing up online, sending my weekly ish newsletter posting on Instagram, but I was feeling like I was filtering myself. I was feeling like I wasn't speaking my whole truth and my instinct.

So notice this, even after a decade in this space, my instinct was like, what's the strategy fix? I need to grow my audience. So I bought this content batching course content batching. That's what I need to do. That's going to be the thing that fixes my business. And I didn't really think that, but I was like, oh, this is what I need. I did a little bit of the course and then stopped, and I'm like, what is going on? Synchronistically? I had signed up to do a singing a course, an eight week or 11 week course with this beautiful woman, Hannah Lei, definitely recommend both her music and her courses, and didn't think anything was connected. I'm like, I want to do this. I want to figure out how singing can come back into my life in a bigger way versus just in my morning practice and in my home.

And through that course, through the literal vocal exercises that we're doing through, also, we had to sing an ancestral song. I sang some songs in Hebrew and Yiddish. There was this huge opening in my voice, and I can't say that that's the only thing, but it felt like there was a huge shift there, and suddenly I was speaking again, and suddenly the words were flowing, and I found myself speaking up more than in the past. So the one additional thread of this that is, we've already mentioned ancestral work, but in that session, I always thought like, oh, there was something with me that was a block there. I'm not confident enough or I don't even know what the story was because my story was not that I don't have a good voice. I've been told I had a good voice since I was very young.

But I realized that the block there in me shining brighter, speaking my truth in a bigger way was an ancestral thread. I am 50% Jewish. There's been a lot activated with Jewish ancestry, especially in the last year and a half. And I noticed that I was filtering myself because there was some fears that were inherited from my people that for a long, long, long time, I would even say into this day, although it's not as dire as in generations past, it was not safe to speak up. This is a long story to say. All of these revelations came through and coupled with some other somatic work and different processing that I've been doing, it's like the flood gates have opened again. It didn't get shifted by the content batching course, and I've learned so, so much in the process of being on that sticky journey.

Carla (22:46):

Thank you so much for sharing that journey. I appreciate you so much. Emily, can you share with us how we can find you, how we can work with you, how we can support you?

Emily (22:56):

Okay. So best place to find me is, well, my website is emily n hazel.com. Depending on when this gets published, it might be under construction, but there will be some sort of links page there where you can see booking with me, whatever current offerings are going on. Social media. I'm most active on Instagram at Emily Hazel there, Substack. Oh, yes. Thank you. Carla inspired me to start a Substack. So I'm also on Substack, and that's where I'm sharing more longer piece content on entrepreneurship, motherhood, power, finding your medicine, sharing your magic in a bigger way, so longer form content. And if you are someone loves meditations, there's a paid version where you can access my moon rituals, which are a creative offering of mind to help you connect more deeply with your truth and your intuition and get that life force flowing through you.

Carla (24:02):

Thanks so much for tuning in to Nourishing Creativity. You can find me Chef Carla Contreras across all social media platforms and more information in today's show notes. While you have your phone out, please leave a review on iTunes or Spotify. This is how others find this show. I really appreciate your support sending you and yours so much love.

Carla Contreras