Episode 66: Show Up Fully Challenge Day Three: Move your Body, in Whatever Way Feels Good!
66: Show Up Fully Challenge Day Three: Move your Body, in Whatever Way Feels Good!
“Move your body, in whatever way feels good!” — Carla Contreras
This podcast episode is Day Three of the Show Up Fully Five Day Challenge. You can sign up for the challenge and get the Show Up Fully Workbook & Journal here
Note: The Show Up Fully Refresh Membership Community is open! We are going to be focused on having the energy to Show Up Fully for your life here
In this episode I talk about what Movement means to me and moving your body in a way that supports you. I give you a challenge to find a movement practice that works for you, this can be as little as 1 minute!
Journal Prompt:
1. What does Movement mean to you?
2. For more head to the Workbook & Journal here
I am excited to hear your thoughts! Listen on ITUNES + Spotify Please tag me @chefcarlacontreras on Instagram so I can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast
Listen to The Show Up Fully Challenge:
1. Listen to Day 1 here
2. Listen to Day 2 here
3. Listen to Day 3 here
4. Listen to Day 4 here
5. Listen to Day 5 here
Eat Well,
xo Chef Carla
PS: I just launched the Show Up Fully Community & Membership. I would love to have you join me learn more
Listen to More:
1. Listen to my podcast about my Pilates Journey & Real Life Positivity here
2. Listen to my conversation with Neuroscientist Dr. Naza Nalani here
3. Listen to my conversation about having resistance with movement here
About Chef Carla Contreras
For the last 24 + years, I’ve worked as a trained chef in: Restaurants, hotels, as a chef instructor at three culinary schools, and personal chef in New York City.
Since 2013, I have been sharing my gift of content creation with publications and brands like Better Homes and Gardens, The Wall Street Journal, Shape Magazine, justBobbi.com, Nutritious Life, Well + Good.
In my personal brand, I not only show up for the hard things, I own them and then share them with the world, like my $38,000 lesson I learned in my business and evolution of a Digital Entrepreneur over the last ten years.
In my online courses, I bring my years of experience as a trained chef, content creator, health and life coach, and meditation teacher to help you with you shift mindset around cooking & the content creation process. Learn more here
Find + Work With Carla:
Online Courses & Book: Learn more here
Instagram: @chefcarlacontreras
Full Transcript:
Hey, it's chef Carla and welcome to show up fully. This is a podcast where I share what it's like to show up for your real life if you don't know me I'm a food stylist photographer and health coach. You can find me, @itscarlacontreras on Instagram and more information in today's show notes this is day three of the show up fully challenged. We are focused on rest deep nourishment movement mindfulness and water I am so excited to talk about movement today if you've missed the other episodes you can head back. And listen to day one about rest and date 2 about deep nourishment movement is something that is essential in my life I am the daughter of a trainer. My mom was. A trainer and taught aerobics back in the 80 s I grew up in a gym so movement has literally always been part of my life I've ran I've done yoga I've done crossbit I've done boot camp I've done like all of it now I do. Peloton, I practice pilates I actually am a Pilates mat instructor and I do have an episode about my Pilates mat journey if you're interested and real life body positivity so I will put a link to that in the show notes. Oh before I forget there is a journal. And a workshop to go along with this challenge so you want to grab that in the show notes as well. Okay, so movement movement like deep nourishment can mean many different things and today we're just going to focus on. The physical movement because I feel like there's also energetic and there's spiritual just like with deep nourishment. There's multiple facets. There's kind of like this like layers of the onion like I said in that episode that we are more than just the physical movement. But today. Are gonna talk about physical movement. We're gonna talk about physical movement in terms of moving your body in a way that supports you now am I talking about that you need to go you know purchase a peloton and. Be on it for 60 minutes or go to a gym or run outside for twenty miles absolutely not what I'm saying is to move your body in whatever way feels good to you. So.
Maybe you have a really busy day and you go go go go go and maybe you're a parent like me and it's just you know kids in work and all the things and it's a lot so maybe at the end of the day you stretch. For 5 minutes 5 minutes for yourself maybe and I talked to my friend naza nalani she actually was on this podcast. She's a neuroscientist she created a practice for yoga. Where she decided I feel like she said 10 minutes she was going to do 10 minutes of yoga every single day and she committed to that I'm going to move for 10 minutes a day and it's interesting like the brain science behind it when we think of like. And she actually challenged me for for something I want to say this for for um, Mindfulness she was like what if you did 1 minute of mindfulness every single day and just committed to that. So the brain science behind this is is that when we think that something's like small and It's easy and I said this in day one. How can you make this easy. So could you commit to 5 minutes of stretching 5 minutes of walking a 5 minute dance party a 5 minutes you know insert. Your thing that lights you up or could you create a 1 minute practice for 1 minute I'm gonna jump up and down for one minute I'm gonna dance you know, whatever to whatever music you like you know for 1 minute I'm going to commit to walking around the block and the interesting thing and I have used her theory because I had ah and there's like a deep sigh here I've had a lot of resistance lately to moving. And I have a podcast about that I'll drop that in the show notes if you want inspiration I had a lot of resistance around moving and again like I told you I'm the daughter of a trainer I love to move my body It's my mental health practice as well like moving my body. Is part of taking care of my mental health. So for me to have resistance around movements. It was really sticky and I was like okay what did Dr Naza say she said to move for 5 minutes so for me
I am a person that regularly exercises for about an hour so I'm like what if I did 10 minutes of yoga I'm going to commit to 10 minutes of yoga 10 minutes of stretching 10 minutes of whatever every single day and it was interesting because I feel like on day 3 of doing that. I was already back to doing 30 minutes of movement because my body was like okay well we did our 10 minutes I'm I'm ready to do more and you know I do know that her her theory is to do 10 minutes every day but my previous practice was to do an hour a half an hour every single day. So I am you know I probably am two months out from that and I'm moving every day again. It's just part of what I do. It's part of my practice and. I really am interested in hearing about what is your physical movement practice and again movement is so many different things Aaron Stutland says movement in your body is movement in your life and I want to know if you are. Not moving number one I would love to know if you bring this into your practice and what it does and number 2 if you do move consistently regularly. What momentum does that create in your life. How do you feel that it helps you. I would love if you could tag me, @itscarlacontreras on Instagram you can send this episode as a text message or as an email to a friend invite them to the challenge and I am here for your questions and to cheer you on I'm sending you so much. Love. We'll see you tomorrow bye.