Episode 33: The Power of the Pause + Taking Full Responsibility with Meg Burton Tudman
Episode 33: The Power of the Pause + Taking Full Responsibility with Meg Burton Tudman
““(Showing up) is not, “I am going to show up for service and run my self into the ground,”… rather it’s, I am going to be doing things to nurture and align my own mind, body, and soul so that I can show up and help other(s).” — Meg Burton Tudman
I can’t wait for you to LISTEN to this podcast with Meg Burton Tudman. Put your headphones on and listen now!
Meg Burton Tudman is on a mission to support women in honoring their highest selves through coaching, writing and speaking. Her specialty is holistic coaching for superwomen empowering them to align their mind, body and soul, so they can live a life they love.
Our conversation starts with Meg sharing how showing up doesn’t mean that we run ourselves into the ground, that we don’t have to do what everyone else tells us to do for our self care, and that we have to find what aligns for us.
She shares her grounding practices and how the power of the pause is such a powerful tool and it can be used anytime and anywhere. Meg goes into what it means to take full responsibility and having the power to choose how we react to circumstances and the world around us.
Meg shares that you can be doing, “all the things,” for her it was yoga, meditation, and eating healthy but she wan’t present and wan’t fully engaged. It was a big mindset piece that was blocking her from fully experiencing the benefits of her self care practices. It’s important for us to find practices to connect and ground.
We get into money mindset and getting clear on what money means to us. What does money allow you to do? We also get into worthiness and self sabotage. What is our resistance? And we chat about overdelivering and the cultural norm of women being in care giving roles.
Meg also goes into rest and ways that we can do that and we come full circle with the power of the pause.
There are so many gems and delicious quotes in this podcast like these ones:
Self Care: “This really works for me and I love it, or this doesn’t resonate with me at all, and I am going to drop it, even if the rest of the world is telling me, “you really should be doing that right now.”
“I realized that I was the only person who could change me.”
Tag us @chefcarlacontreras and @mindsetmasterywithmeg #showupfully to continue the conversation.
Eat Well,
xo Chef Carla
PS: Checkout my new Social Media Meditation + Affirmation Toolkit here
More Notes:
The Book I mention on resistance, The War of Art
The Podcast with Meagan Williamson
Wherever you are listening, please rate, review + subscribe to Show Up Fully. Send the podcast to your friends, post in your stories on Instagram & tag me @chefcarlacontreras and use the hashtag #showupfully
About Meg Burton Tudman
Meg Burton Tudman is on a mission to support women in honoring their highest selves through coaching, writing and speaking.
Her specialty is holistic coaching for superwomen empowering them to align their mind, body and soul, so they can live a life they love.
Meg weaves mindset, meditation and Reiki into her online coaching programs, wellness articles, workshops, and corporate events.
She has been featured by StepMom Magazine, Xerox Women’s Alliance, Finger Lakes Yogascapes, and Go Love Yourself.
Find + Work With Meg:
Website: https://www.megburtontudman.com/
Instagram: @mindsetmasterywithmeg
Facebook: Mindset Mastery with Meg
LinkedIn: Meg Burton Tudman
YouTube: Meg Burton Tudman