68: Show Up Fully Challenge Day Five: Water + The Episode Where I Talk About Poop
68: Show Up Fully Challenge Day Five & Wrap Up: Water + The Episode Where I Talk About Poop
“Having water flush out poop, guess what?! (It’s) movement in your life, you feel good and are removing anything that is no longer serving your body.” — Carla Contreras
This podcast episode is Day Five & the wrap up of the Show Up Fully Five Day Challenge. This challenge is going to stay up: You can sign up for the challenge and get the Show Up Fully Workbook & Journal here
Note: The Show Up Fully Refresh Membership Community is open! We are going to be focused on having the energy to Show Up Fully for your life here
In this episode I talk about what Water means to me and all the different ways that we use water in our lives including rituals like bathing, showering, and swimming.
I give you a challenge to fill a big glass of water and to chug it when you wake up in the morning.
Journal Prompt:
1. What does Water mean to you?
2. For more head to the Workbook & Journal here
I am excited to hear your thoughts! Listen on ITUNES + Spotify Please tag me @chefcarlacontreras on Instagram so I can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast
Listen to The Show Up Fully Challenge:
1. Listen to Day 1 here
2. Listen to Day 2 here
3. Listen to Day 3 here
4. Listen to Day 4 here
5. Listen to Day 5 here
Eat Well,
xo Chef Carla
PS: I just launched the Show Up Fully Community & Membership. I would love to have you join me learn more
About Chef Carla Contreras
For the last 24 + years, I’ve worked as a trained chef in: Restaurants, hotels, as a chef instructor at three culinary schools, and personal chef in New York City.
Since 2013, I have been sharing my gift of content creation with publications and brands like Better Homes and Gardens, The Wall Street Journal, Shape Magazine, justBobbi.com, Nutritious Life, Well + Good.
In my personal brand, I not only show up for the hard things, I own them and then share them with the world, like my $38,000 lesson I learned in my business and evolution of a Digital Entrepreneur over the last ten years.
In my online courses, I bring my years of experience as a trained chef, content creator, health and life coach, and meditation teacher to help you with you shift mindset around cooking & the content creation process. Learn more here
Find + Work With Carla:
Online Courses & Book: Learn more here
Instagram: @chefcarlacontreras
I am a professionally trained chef and certified holistic health coach; I am also Nutritious Life certified. I am not a nutritionist or RD. I am not a doctor pr qualified healthcare professional.
The information contained on this site is my opinion based on research and personal experience unless otherwise stated and should not be substituted for qualified medical advice.
Health-related information is in no way intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any medical or other condition.
Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner or other healthcare provider for an individual consultation before making any significant changes to your diet and lifestyle or to answer questions about specific medical conditions.
Full Transcript:
Hey, it Chef Carla and welcome to show up fully. This is a podcast where I share what it's like to show up for your real life and if you don't know me I'm a food stylist photographer and health coach. You can find me @itscarlacontreras on Instagram and more information in today's show notes this episode is day 5 of the show up fully challenged. We focused for the last five days on rest deep nourishment movement mindfulness today is all about water if you were just joining head back to day one and you can also grab the show of fully. Workshop and workbook and journal in the show notes. It's 100% free and go back and really absorb what are the different things that I talk about I would love to know if you have questions around it. Again, you can tag me on Instagram I'm here to cheer you on all right today. We're gonna get into water and I want to say that just like rest deep nourishment movement and mindfulness water is like this onion. It's many layers like It's not just simply drinking a glass of water. It's the energetics of being with water of being connected with the earth. It's also maybe rituals that are around bathing and showering and swimming. But today we're going to talk about. Literally getting in a glass of water because our body is made up of water and we need water in order to survive and I feel like I'm thirsty literally saying water because I have a giant glass next to me so the way that I like to roll is. I have a twenty ounce starbucks cup and I fill it up multiple times a day so I would like to challenge you because I feel like we did this on the podcast 1 other time is to fill up either a giant ball jar a giant glass. You know, maybe like me like the. Big starbucks cup can you fill that up with water at the end of your night and when you wake up in the morning chug that water chug it like even if you don't like water. You don't like the drink water like all the things chug that room temperature water now. If room temperature is like not where you're at cold is fine, but what supports your digestion more is going to be that room temperature water. What does that? do it flushes everything out. It's going to flush out your digestive track and hopefully.
You poop and if pooping is a problem for you and who knew that I was going to talk about poop. But um I have 2 kids 6 and seven so we talk a lot about poop so movements we talked about yesterday movement in your body is movement in your life. That's what Aaron Stutland says so having water flush out poop guess what movement in your life and you feel good and you're removing anything. That's no longer serving your body. So. This might not happen on day one of drinking the water. But maybe this becomes your practice I'm gonna fill up a huge glass of water before I go to bed I'm going to drink it when I wake up and this is the challenge that I'm inviting you to do today to. Really and this goes on along with deep nourishment deeply nourish yourself through the practice of consuming water I would love to know your thoughts on this I would love to know how this goes tag me I'm it's Carla gontreres on Instagram. Again, there is the free workshop and the free workbook inside the show notes I call it the show up fully journal. You can go deep into this practice and like I said on day one this is a practice this isn't You're you're gonna pick up restty nourishment movement mindfulness and water like all the things in in one day or in one week or in or in a 5 day challenge. This is a practice this is something that I've been practicing since 2019 when I chose. Rest in deep nourishment as my two north stars as my 2 guiding lights through that year the other words they came along as I continue to to practice so rest deep nourishment were my first 2 words. Then movement then mindfulness and water like all of these things go together and this is what I use to show up fully for myself and I have noticed a dramatic shift in my life in my business. In my relationships in the way that I show up in the world by focusing on these five things. So what I've done is I've created a membership. It's called the show up fully refresh community. It is a monthly.
Membership. So there's different options. You can check out the show notes if you'd like to join us and what I would like to do with this membership is to help other people and help you create this practice of showing. Up for yourself and the thing is is that it doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be all 5 of these things this is for you to create your own practice of what showing up fully means for you and to be supported. In a community where other people are working on showing up for themselves. It is I'm just like so I'm beaming I'm so excited to create this space because this is a space that I wish I had. Back in 2018 when I had a serious health meltdown when I was experiencing burnouts and here's the thing I am not saying that you're going to join this membership and everything in your life is going to be perfect and. You know you're gonna show up every single day the same absolutely not. This is a practice and this is why I created it as a community as opposed to a 30 day refresh or a twenty one day reset you know it could have been that. Hundred percent but that's not an alignment with what I'm doing what I'm teaching the way that I show up in the world and if you don't know I am a trained life coach I am a trained house coach I am a meditation teacher I'm a palottis Matt instructor i'm. Ah, Ricky practitioner like I'm all these things in so much more. So I'm bringing a lot of these healing modalities to the show up fully community I'm also adding I have my online cooking school cook and chop. Online cooking school. It's meal prep for your real life. It teaches you the basics of meal prep it teaches you how to hold a knife how to cut veggies. It also teaches you how I really meal prep including days off of cooking because let's be honest here. I'm a trained chef and I do not cook every single day and I also have supportive meals like if you've listened to the the podcast I have my green smoothie soup I love depending on that I I blend bone broth I blend my spinach and ginger and coconut.
And boom like it's the ultimate fast food and I am here for having grace around food if you haven't listened to the deep nourishment episode head back to that. Please let me know if you have any questions I am here to support and share you on. Thank you so much for being here and being part of this show up fully community. Please tag me, @itscarlacontreras if you try the water challenge I would love to know how it goes I would also love if you could share this episode. If you could send it as a text message or an email or maybe do a social media post I also would love a review on Itunes and or Spotify has 5 stars that helps me spread the message of this podcast again. Grab the free workshop and journal in the show notes I'm sending you love bye.